The Curse of the Magic Mirror is finally a book! Bursting onto bookstore shelves everywhere in less than a week!It has been a long process.It starts with the idea (of course!) put into words. It progresses to a video phone call with the famed and talented illustrator, David Trumble. We brainstorm and inspire each other as we feed off of each other’s imagination and story crafting talents.     We work a little more and I tell him the noses are too big and the eyes are bugging out and we both edit and revise again.And AGAIN!(AND AGAIN)UNTIL we both are satisfied and we move on to another page. And I tell him the noses are too big and the eyes bug out too much again.   (We each have our pet peeves!)Exhaustively we revise, re-edit and re-sketch until we are both satisfied.And then we revise, re-edit and redraw one more time. The concept, the words and the images are finally ready to be a book worthy of THE ENJELLA ADVENTURE SERIES.And David and I are both really proud. Let us know what you think! Leave us a review on next week!© Jane F. Collen April 15, 2018 
Julie Trelstad

Julie, an author, publisher and book marketer is the founder and creative director of Julie Ink.

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