GIVE MORE H.U.G.S hosts annual “Book Share” Fair

It is so exciting to receive a book as a gift, and GIVE MORE H.U.G.S generated a lot of excitement last week in four schools in Port  Chester, NY by holding their annual book share fair.This group’s Mission is begins in its name: Helping Unite Giving Souls to provide students in need with the tools to inspire a love for learning, reading, and creativity. My kind of group!GIVE MORE H.U.G.S. trains and deputizes “ambassadors” to help fulfill its mission. H.U.G.S. organizes events in areas where the scarcity of educational resources tries teachers and students alike.One of the ambassadors at the book share fair said, “It was enlightening to see first hand how the whole project had been implemented from an idea to execution of the book share. . . [It] was an overwhelming success at four locations. . .I never realized I could make such an impact by such a small gesture.”Unfortunately, I was not able to help at this fall’s book share. I was very disappointed that the lucky ambassador who got the privilege of reading to some of the children and spreading her passion for a good book was not me this year!But I AM able to help get started on the next exciting book share event by collecting gently used books and bringing them to GIVE MORE H.U.G.S.. Before the next book share fair, HUGS takes the collected books and holds book signing events to draw attention to the literacy crisis. At the event they invite people to write inspirational messages to the future recipients of the books. I will keep you posted on their next event! Hopefully you can find a local chapter of HUGS and join in the mission of this wonderful non-profit organization. © Jane F. Collen November 17, 2017IndexCardCure passionate about literacy.

Julie Trelstad

Julie, an author, publisher and book marketer is the founder and creative director of Julie Ink.

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I Will Be Signing Books at THE BIG E!