Pulling The Pieces Together
I’m trying to muddle through.
But there are days when the pieces look like they won’t ever go together. Honestly, some days the pieces don’t even look like they belong together. I have learned the hard way I am an overachiever, excessively compelled to volunteer. When someone I know says, “Can you help me __________?” I say “Sure.”
But many days I find myself up to my ears in uncompleted projects, pulled hither and yon to honor the commitments I have made.
It’s like Dory the fish says in Finding Nemo: just keep swimming.
Persistence! I put my head down and try to connect the dots, one dot at a time, until the goal I am trying to accomplish comes better in to focus.
Once again I find it is a question of perspective: is the sweater unfinished, or is it almost complete?
My temperament leads me to the temptation to review the long TO DO list with pending unfinished projects at the end of the day rather than focusing on (even if it is only) the one thing I did accomplish.
Although the sweater was to be a Christmas present — I WILL get it done!
In the meantime, I am finished with Book One in my new series The Journey of Cornelia Rose and moving on to Book Two.
AND by the way, my latest children’s book, in the Enjella Adventure Series received a GOLD MEDAL from the Mom’s Choice people.
Just keep swimming.
(C) Jane F. Collen February 22, 2019 IndexCardCure.com just keep swimming