FIND US AT SCHOOL! the Enjella Adventure Series is available at school through GET EPIC! Jane F. Collen narrates Read-to-Me: What More Can A Fairy Be? The Magic Colors of Sparkleshire, The Curse of the Magic Mirror and Rudella, The Ordinary-Nosed Reindeer.
Magic Words
The Enjella Glossary
Talk like your favorite character-a quick way to expand your vocabulary!
Enjella Uprooted
CHAPTER 1-Blue Mystery
Aloft. Upward, in a higher position
Turbulence. Instability in the atmosphere that disturbs the flow of wind; wild, unpredictable wind gusts
Inconsiderate. Thoughtless about other people
Vital. Important
Inadequate. Below grade, not good enough
Proximity. Nearness, closeness
Valiant. Brave
Grandeur. Greatness, splendor
Admonished. Scolded, reprimanded
Canine teeth. Pointy teeth on the corners of the mouth, between the incisors and the first bicuspids
Bicuspids. Teeth with two points, between the canines and the molars
Incisors. Flat, sharp-edged teeth in the front of the mouth
Molars. Back teeth that grind food
Opine. To give an opinion, sometimes unasked
CHAPTER 2 – Queen-size Surprise
Speculating. Guessing, using reasoning to reach a conclusion
Translucent. Glowing, almost see-through
Entourage. The group of people who surround a famous person like Queen Jocelyn.
Majestically. Impressively and grandly
Divine. Heavenly, beautiful
Admiration. Wonder and approval
Dedication. Commitment, enthusiasm
Commend. Praise, recognize
Impudence. Rudeness or disrespect
Covet. Want, desire
Tittered. Giggled
Indubitably. Surely, definitely
Aspire. To desire to reach a goal
Compassion. Sympathy, understanding
Compassionate. Full of sympathy and understanding
Efficient. Well-organized, not wasteful
Retrieve. Bring back
Apprentice. A beginner who works under the supervision of a skilled professional
Eligible. Entitled or qualified to do something
Pursed. Puckered, pressed together
Disheartened. Disappointed, discouraged
Tremendous. Very large, powerful or great
Wittier. More clever or funny
CHAPTER 3 – Messenger on a Mission
Scarlet. A beautiful shade of red.
Magnificent. Splendid, grand
Proclaimed. Made a formal announcement, from the Queen!
Crimson. A synonym of scarlet- a beautiful shade of red
Resumed. Began again
Dilapidated. In disrepair, broken down
CHAPTER 4 – Watch Your Wings
Crestfallen. Disappointed, discouraged
Abashed. Embarrassed, dismayed
Anticipation. The feeling of looking forward with excitement to something
Vicious. Dangerous, showing fierce violence
Exuberantly. Joyfully, happily
Jeopardize. Put something at risk
Decorum. Good manners, dignity, or correctness
Oaf. Fool, loser
Inefficiency. Disorganization, incompetence, the opposite of efficient – our word from a few chapters ago
Fumed. Raged, felt great anger
Fiendish. Wicked, evil
Flerk. A bad flerson
CHAPTER 5 – Wake Up!
Triumphant. Glorious
Whiff. The scent, to smell
CHAPTER 6 – Wings Up!
Flap-aciously. Fantastically, wonderfully
Ghastly. Horrible, frightening, nasty
Dejected. Sad, unhappy
Yapper. Mean slang word for “mouth”
CHAPTER 7 – To The Stars With Gevinda!
Observing. Watching, studying
Deviated. Strayed or turned off from a course of action
Inadequate. Not enough, insufficient
Insipid. Stupid, characterless
Literally. Based on the exact meaning of a word
Incompetent. Useless, inadequate
Percolate. Bubble up or filter through something
CHAPTER 8 – Tooth Fairy Apprentice
Savoring. Enjoying, appreciating
Invincible. Unbeatable, Unconquerable
Cumbersome. Awkward to carry or handle because of weight or size
Insignificant. Too small and unimportant to be relevant
Scrutinized. Examined very carefully
Strenuous. Difficult, requiring great strength
Stamina. Strength or endurance
Prescribed. Recommended, ordered
Execute. Perform an action or movement
Animation. Cartoons, portrayed in moving pictures
Interpretation. Explaining
Depicting. Describing or portraying in words
Maneuvers. Movements that require skill or dexterity
Interact. Act together, cooperate with each other
Conjure. Call up, recreate, invent
CHAPTER 9 – Clumsy Oaf to the Rescue
Phosphorescence. Jellyfish in the ocean that glow at night (they absorb energy and then release it slowly when they are agitated (moved around) by the waves)
Optimal. Best, most favorable
Momentous. Important, meaningful
Exhilarating. Thrilling, exciting
Dismay. Disappointment, shock
Materialized. Appeared
Recuperate. Get better, recover
CHAPTER 10 – Enjella Takes Charge
Recuperated: Past tense of “recuperate”
Reprimanded. Corrected, scolded
Timidly. Shyly, nervously, without courage
Condescending. Acting superior, snobby
Decisively. Firmly, deciding quickly and clearly
Diplomacy. Skill and tact in dealing with people
Deemed. Judged
CHAPTER 11 – Revving Up the Old Sparkler
Cogitated. Thought, reasoned
Gizmo. A gadget which is usually more complicated than necessary
CHAPTER 12 – Auntie Advocating
Inconspicuous. Not noticeable
Pretenses. Not genuine behavior, pretending
Gestured. Used hands to indicated something, pointed
Dignity. Self-esteem, self-respect
Merits. Qualities, values that deserve respect
Sputtered. Made sounds or talked in an explosive way
Requisite. Necessary, mandatory
Vigilant. Watchful, alert
Awry. Wrong
Exemplary. Very good, so good it is an example for everyone else
CHAPTER 13 – Gevinda Fabricates Revenge
Reluctantly. Unwillingly, uncooperatively
Accord. Agreement
Bewilderment. Confusion
Wrath. Anger, fury
CHAPTER 14 – Forget About It
Permeable. Allowing substances to pass through, porous
Precarious. Risky, unstable, hazardous
CHAPTER 15 – Something Is Rotten in Sparkleshire
Will ‘o wisp. (Actually will-‘-the-wisp) a flickering light appearing at night over marshy places; something that deceives or misleads.
CHAPTER 16 – Who’s a Dud of an Assistant?
Confrontation. Face-to-face meeting with somebody; argument
Commotion. Disorder, fuss, upheaval
Imposing. Large and stately, impressive
Coax. Persuade, charm, win-over
Loomed. Appeared, emerged
Execution. Caring out, completing
Penalized. Punished, disciplined
Sidled. Move sideways
Menacingly. Threateningly, frighteningly
Intimidated. Frightened, scared
Trembled. Shivered, shook, shuddered
Reminiscences. Experiences remembered from the past
CHAPTER 17 – Lightning Strikes
Reminisce. Talk about events remembered from the past
Dedicated. Wholeheartedly devoted to a goal
Eon. Era, period, time
CHAPTER 18 – Bigger Than a Fairy Tale
Encounter. Meet, bumped into
Legitimate. Lawful, justifiable
CHAPTER 19 – Helping Hiccups
Ascend. Climb, rise, soar
Impersonation. Imitation
Rueful. Sorry, apologetic
CHAPTER 20 – Flying Solo
Hatched. Think up
Infamous. Having a very bad reputation; well-known
Copious. Abundant, plentiful
Temporarily. For the moment, for the time being
Out of commission. Not working, broken down
Commissioned. Specially appointed, assigned
CHAPTER 23 – Celebrating With Stories
Azure. Blue
Recalling. Remembering
Staunch. Showing loyalty, dependability and enthusiasm
Astonished. Surprised, amazed
Astounded. Overwhelmed, surprised, amazed
Sienna. A rich brown color
Demotion. A deduction in rank or position
Appalling. Horrifying, awful
Liability. Responsibility, burden
Leniency. Mercy, forgiveness
Probation. The supervision of the behavior of a young criminal
Contentment. Satisfaction and calm
CHAPTER 24 – Eye Spy
Aerodynamic. Designed to reduce air resistance; sleek
Inexplicable. Hard to explain
Paranoid. Unreasonably anxious about something
Surge protector. A devise to prevent sudden bursts of power or electrical current
CHAPTER 25 – Bennett Believes
‘Psyching me out’. Using psychology on someone to try to intimidate them
Encountered. Met
Admonished. Reprimand, correct
Incredible. Hard to believe
CHAPTER 27 – Concocting A Plan
Diorama. A three dimensional representation of a scene
Evaluation. A written statement of the value or grade of something
Simultaneously. At the same time
Sparingly. Cautiously, a little at a time
CHAPTER 28 – One Pretty Potent Pencil
Active. Set something in motion
Ambiguous. Having more than one meaning
CHAPTER 29 – Livid Little Mrs. Sandpiper
Perched. Balanced; hovering
Precariously. Dangerously unstable, insecure (adverb form of ‘precarious’ found in Chapter 14)
Decorum. Dignity or social correctness
CHAPTER 30 – Two Talents Are Better Than One
BFF. Best friends forever
CHAPTER 31 – Magic Misfires
Perplexed. Puzzled, confused
Dejectedly. Sadly
Intelligible. Capable of being understood
Gingerly. Delicately, cautiously
Warily. Cautiously, suspiciously
Levitated. Floated
CHAPTER 32 – Ghastly Gevinda Strikes Again
Tardy. Late
Brusquely. Abruptly, roughly
Flagging. Decreasing in ability; failing
Stellar. Outstanding, like a star
Speculative. Tentative; approximate; exploratory
CHAPTER 33 – A Little Help From Her Friends
Disdain. Extreme disgust
Unprecedented. Extraordinary, record-breaking
Travesty. Sham, mockery, farce
Calamities. Disastrous situations
Sabotaged. Deliberately disrupted
Egregious. Extremely bad
Rectify. Correct, fix
Diminish. Take away, reduce
Execution. The carrying out of an action or instruction
CHAPTER 34 – Focusing on the Forum
Refracted. Altered the course of the light
Jittery. Feeling nervous, jumpy
Demeanor. A person’s behavior or appearance
Agenda. program, list of tasks to do
Dynamic. Full of energy, enthusiasm
Caressing. Stroking or touching something affectionately
CHAPTER 36 - Revelations
Elaborate. Having a lot of detail, complicated, ornate
Vibrant. Dazzling or radiantly bright
Gawk. Stare with an open mouth
Lavishly. Abundantly, excessively, generously
Circulated. Spread
Eligible. Qualified, suitable
Irate. Angry
Riveted. Fascinated, wrapped up
Varmints. An objectionable animal or persons; vermin
Chaotic. Disorganized, muddled
Ominously. Threateningly, menacingly
Staunchest. Extremely loyal
Consternation. A feeling of dismay and bewilderment
Inquisition. An investigation with detailed and thorough questions
Commence. Begin
Bedlam. Chaos, confusion, mayhem
Disperse. Scatter
CHAPTER 37 – To Flee Or Not To Flee
Fundamental. Basic, primary
Convictions. Firmly held beliefs or opinions
Radical. Extreme
Coronation. The ceremony of crowning a ruler
Asset. Strength, positive factor
Subsequent. Following, next, after.
CHAPTER 38 – Fairies in Stereo
Fugitive. A run away from justice, deserter
Grievous. Serious, severe
CHAPTER 39 – Advancement Arrested
Indignation. Fury, righteous anger
Doomed. Condemned to suffer an inescapable, dreadful fate
Contagious. Catching, infectious
CHAPTER 40 – Depressed in the Dungeon
Bravado. Boldness, daring, boasting
Chamber. Room
Restraints. Something to prevent motion, like hand cuffs, or chains
Predicament. A difficult, unpleasant situation
Vocation. Calling, career, profession
Confiscated. Seized property as a penalty
Eloquence. The ability to speak persuasively or very well
Persuasive. Having the ability to convince people of your opinion by speech
CHAPTER 41 – Alicia Puts on Her Thinking Cap
Dumbfounded. Surprised, astonished
Mulling over. Thinking over, considering
Persuade. Talk into, convince
Indecisive. Unable to make up your mind, uncertain
CHAPTER 43 – Scared Snooping
Noggin. The human head
Space/time continuum. The link between space and time, where one blends into the other
CHAPTER 45 – Giant Inquisition
Corroborating. Supporting, confirming
Juncture. Point in time
Prestigious. Having a distinguished reputation
Pinnacle. Height
Blatant. Obvious
Pertinent. Relevant, related, important
Despicable. Fully deserving of contempt
Levied. Charged
Accusation. A claim someone has done something illegal
Compelling. Convincing, persuasive
Empowered. Allowed, authorized, enabled
Ignominy. Humiliation, shame
Imperative. Absolutely necessary
Nemesis. A bitter enemy
CHAPTER 46 – And the Verdict Is...
Devise. Make, invent
Innovative. New, inventive
Regime. Organization, management
Tyrannized. Bullied, intimidated
Premeditated. Thought about it ahead of time, planned
Scepter. Queen Jocelyn’s ceremonial wand, a symbol of her royal authority
CHAPTER 47 – Magic Mirror
Menial. Work that requires little skill or training
Storming Back to Key West
CHAPTER 1 – A Fishy Story
Tidal. Affected by the tide
Sparkleshire. The name of the kingdom of Tooth Fairies and Flandles (boy Fairies)
CHAPTER 2 – Sheepish Suspense
Sheepish. Showing embarrassment as a result of having done something awkward or goofy
Conducting. Leading or controlling
CHAPTER 3 – Is Seeing Believing?
Crestfallen. Disappointed, sad
Regime. A system or a planned way of doing something, a strict government
Coordinates. A set of numbers or points that describes the exact location of something
CHAPTER 4 – Spacesuits and Science
Ensemble. Different clothing and accessories put together to make an outfit
Reminisce. Talk about events from the past
Simulating. reproduce an essential feature of something
CHAPTER 5 – Moonlight Mischief
Warp. Twist, change so that it does not follow its usual course
Scuttling. Scurrying, scampering, dartingResist. Refuse to do something
CHAPTER 6 – Fairy Flights
Grungy. Dirty, scruffy
Emanating. Coming out from
Mode. Way or manor of doing something
Radar. Electronic equipment that uses radio waves to locate objects
CHAPTER 7 - A Woman’s Work
Cumulous. Having a piled up shape
Bustled. Moved in a hurried, energetic way
Inaudible. Not able to be heard.
Lured. Tempted or lead something somewhere
Absentmindedly. Acting distracted, preoccupied
Batten down the hatches. A nautical phrase meaning shut all open doors and windows
Cascaded. Flowed down.
Wielding. Holding or using a weapon
CHAPTER 8 – Fast Forward
Ensnare. Trap
Erratic. Not predictable or consistent
Windward. Facing the wind
Heavens to Murgatroid. Scottish exclamation of surprise or concern
Bairns. Scottish word for children
Acutely. Severely, intensely
Wicks. A piece of fabric, or a string, that draws the fuel to the flame
Beacon. Light that guides or gives a signalChamois. Soft pliable leather used for cleaning and polishing
CHAPTER 9 – Minimal Magic
Minimal. Very small in amount
Massive. Large, solid, heavy
Engrossed. Absorbed in something, occupied.
Mumbo Jumbo. Gibberish, nonsense, baloney!
Et cetera. Latin word: a list that contains other unspecified items
Turbulent. Full of violent motion, unstable
Precariously. Unsteadily, dangerously
Exertion. Strenuous effort or physical exercise
S.O.S. Emergency, it stands for Save Our Ship
Mesmerized. Captivated, fascinated
Perilous. Involving exposure to very great danger
Capsizing. Overturning on the surface of water
Perish. Die
Ferocious. Very Fierce or savage
CHAPTER 11 – Winging It
Pinafore. Old fashioned word for an apron-like garment worn over a dress
Post Haste. As quickly as possible
Persuaded. Convinced.
Hatching. Thinking up, devising, producing
Digress. Move away from the point or central topic
Frocks. Old fashioned word for dresses
Pantaloons. Old fashioned word for pants
Discourse. Speech, conversation
CHAPTER 12 – Magical Miracles
Imploringly. Begging, pleading
Beneficial. Producing a good effect
Trauma. An extremely distressing experience, shock
Insurmountable. Impossible to overcome
Fiddlesticks. Old fashioned exclamation used to express mild annoyance
Sailing Back to Ellis Island
CHAPTER 1 – A Mysterious Note
Conscientious. Careful, thorough, diligent
Unperturbed. Calm, unworried
Scrutinized. Examined closely
Apparel. Clothing
Dirndl dress. A dress with a full gathered skirt, the traditional dress of Germany and Austria
Pirouetting. Spinning, usually on the tip of the toe
Elementary. Basic, uncomplicated, straight forward
Shenanigans. Mischief
Flurry. A short period of time when a lot of things happen
Lamented. Mourned, grieved, bemoaned
CHAPTER 2 – Arriving At Ellis Island
Foreboding. Apprehension
Piling. Support, column or structure, usually made of wood, which holds up a pier
Simultaneously. At the same time
Peninsulas. Narrow pieces of land that jut out from the mainland into a sea or lake
Chortled. Laughed in a noisy gleeful way
Gloated. Expressed smug self-satisfaction, lorded it over them
Inquisitive. Curious, interested, inquiring
Cohort. A supporter, helper or accomplice
CHAPTER 3 – New Country, New Life, New Name
Stairs of Separation. The name given to the flight of stairs at the end of the Registry room that lead to different destinations
Resounded. Ring out loudly, resonate, boom, reverberate
Emanated. Came out of something
Contraption. Machine, especially one that seems strange
Oblivion. The state of being utterly forgotten
Laboriously. With great difficulty
Chaotic. Confused, hectic
Intelligible. Understandable, comprehensible
Clerical. Relating to office work or routine administrative work
Manifest. The written record of the ship listing all of the passengers and their answers to the immigration questions
Assimilate. Minimize the differences between themselves and their new countrymen, integrate
Ikh shoyn fargesin. Yiddish word for ‘I already forgot’
Indignantly. In annoyance, crossly
Mischievously. Playfully, with a twist of naughtiness
Foreshadow. Predict, foretell
Invalids. Sick people
Rickets. A disease caused by a vitamin D deficiency, affecting mostly children, that makes bones soft, and changes skeletal structure
Lame. Unable to walk, having diseases of the legs
Garbled. Jumbled, confused
Niceties. A feature that makes something pleasurable or pleasant
Deduction. A conclusion drawn from available information
Detainment. The state of being held in custody
Nuisance. Annoyance, irritation
CHAPTER 4 – “Ikh shoyn fargesin”
Detained. Held back, prevented from leaving
Mein Nommen ist. German/Yiddish for ‘my name is’
Linguistics. The study of language
Absentmindedly. Without thinking
Leafing. Riffling through
Betrothed. Fiancé, the person to whom someone is engaged to be married
Elocution. Diction, pronunciation
Carfare. Money for transportation
Corroborating. ConfirmingNotarized. Verified, certified that it is accurateEntrepreneurship. Free enterprise, working hard
Chutzpah. Yiddish word adopted into American English meaning ‘spunk, nerve, gall’
Merriment. High spirits, happiness
Ikh bin. Yiddish words for ‘I am’
Sailing Back to Ellis Island
CHAPTER 5 – Children Are To Be Seen And Not Heard
Plied. Used a tool in a skillful way
Buttonhook. A device that looked like a rod with a hook at the end of it intended for pulling the buttons on tight boots into place for fastening
Barbaric. Uncivilized, unsophisticated
Trachoma. A contagious bacterial eye disease in which scar tissue forms inside the eyelid, causing it to curve inward and the eyelashes to scrape the eye, sometimes causing blindness or death
Inflammation. Swelling, irritation
Liability. Problem, burden, responsibility
O Sole Mio. Italian song ‘O My Soul’Certamente. Italian for ‘certainly’
Securemente. Italian for ‘surely’
Pronto. Italian for ‘right away’
Bambino. Italian word for ‘baby’
Sporadically. Periodically, occasionally
Puckered. Wrinkled, creased, furrowed
CHAPTER 6 – Tongue Twisting Time
Arduous. Requiring hard work or continuous strenuous effort
Culminating. Reaching the highest point, ending
Copious. Abundant, plentiful
Blared. Made a loud harsh noise
Veracity. Truth
Locomotion. Movement from one place to another
Endeavored. Tried
Matron. A woman on the staff to supervise and help unattended children and women
Transporting. Carrying people or goods from one place to another
Reassured. Comforted
Perplexed. Confused
Facilitate. Make easier
Speculated. Guessed
Jilted. Abruptly broke a promise to marry someone
Destitute. Very poor, penniless
CHAPTER 7 – Separated!
Gizmo. A gadget
Ingenious. Clever, original
Observant. Paying such careful attention that nothing goes unnoticed
Contagious. Infectious, catching
CHAPTER 8 – Landing in the Hospital
Rakish. Jaunty, casual, stylish
Lagoon. A coastal body of shallow water
Allocate. To set aside for a particular purpose
Precarious. Unstable, shaky
Fritter. Waste, squander, dribble away, dissipate
Collateral. Security, guarantee
Delicatessen. Now just called ‘deli’, a store specializing in imported cooked meats, cheeses, and pickles
Urchin. Rascal, brat
Fatality. Death
Autoclave. Large steel machine that sterilizes
Mutely. Without a sound, wordlessly
Petrified. Sacred
Fretted. Worried
CHAPTER 9 – Reunited
Hubbub. Noise, racket, din
Summons. Call, order, command
Clamored. Demanded noisily, shouted
Arduous. Hard, difficult
CHAPTER 10 – Strange Spaghetti
Frivolous. Unnecessary
Melodramatic. Exaggerated, theatrical
Candy striper. A young volunteer worker in a hospital
Ja. German word for ‘yes’
Nein. German word for ‘no’
CHAPTER 11 – Hot Potato
Intoned. To say something in a slow, serious way
Burly. Heavily built, robust, broad shouldered
Indubitably. Undoubtedly, definitely
Saddled. Burdened with a task or responsibility
Distress. Concern, worry, grief, misery
Contrite. Sorry, apologetic
Rectify. Correct, remedy, cure
Victuals. Food
Uncharacteristically. Unusually, abnormally
Don. To put on
Unobtrusively. Inconspicuously, shyly
Magnificence. Grandeur, luxury
Subsided. Became less active, sunk, dropped
Absentmindedly. Inattentively, without thinking
Fortnight. A United Kingdom expression meaning a period of 14 days
Devouring. Eating something quickly and hungrily
Hesitated. Paused, uncertain
Brood. Children, family
Confinement. Old fashioned way to say a women going into laborGravely. Seriously
Bewildered. Confused, puzzled
Clarification. Explanation
Compromise. Finding a middle ground
Arouse. Awaken, alert
Reluctantly. Unwillingly, halfheartedly
Shimmied. Moved in a shaking or swaying way, climbed
Mishap. An unfortunate accident or piece of luck
Privy. Knowing something secret or private
Detainees. People held in custody, not free to leave
Straggled. Strayed from the path, coming or going in a disorganized way
Delinquent. Neglecting a duty or responsibility
Gander. A look or glance at something
Cottoned. Caught on
Heeding. Paying serious attention to
Squinted. Looked through narrowed eyes
Apprehension. Anxiety, fear
CHAPTER 12 – One Last Twist
Reluctant. Hesitant, unwilling
Das ist Verboten. German for ‘that is forbidden’
Impishly. Devilishly
Shepherded. Herded, guided
Mannerisms. Gestures, traits, characteristics
Stanzas. Verses of a song
Turnverein Society. German American organization which supported immigrants and provided cultural and social gatherings
Cauldron. A large metal pot in which liquids are boiled