Pioneer Passage is a truly delightful, meaty read that will satisfy any reader who enjoys an excellent adventure exceptionally well told. Having already read the second story in this saga, I was familiar with the principal characters of the Wright family and author J.F. Collen uses this iteration to expand on and emphasize the unique character and powerful faith of these early pioneers but more especially the women. Cornelia Rose is a woman ahead of her time; learned, well-read, opinionated, and skilled in the healing arts. Her need to be recognized, understood and listened to by men, especially her conservative and strict husband Obadiah, is a real highlight of this particular part of the story. I particularly enjoyed the interactions between Cornelia Rose and her male admirers who were all clearly besotted with the young wife’s beauty, charm, wit, and intelligence. Her handling of their advances was both amusing and, for the period, possibly even somewhat risqué.

What I particularly love about this author’s style is her ability to convey a wonderment and understanding of the physical environment the pioneers were passing through. Her prose is melodic, almost to the point of musicality and her descriptions vivid and real enough to transport the reader right into the wagon, alongside Nellie and her family, as they negotiate the dangers of the trail. One can truly feel the barrenness and spread of the western prairies, along with the power of the crystal-clear night sky through Collen’s melodic prose. I loved this story, as I did the second book, and I can only hope the author does not intend to end Nellie’s journey with their arrival in Salt Lake City. A fantastic read that I can highly recommend and one of the best I’ve had in a long time.


Julie Trelstad

Julie, an author, publisher and book marketer is the founder and creative director of Julie Ink.

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